Thursday, July 30, 2009

save paper //// think before you print

Paper. It’s everywhere. We use it everyday to completely obscure desks around the world. 

It is all too easy to hit print when you need certain information contained within an email. Instead, copy the information pertaining to client requests, information etc. into Word or even Notepad and store with the job at hand. Alternatively, if your organised, create folders within your email application. (A systematic filing structure will hold many more benefits other than just saving paper).

More valuable paper saving ideas:
• Create print presets or hot folders for your printer, limiting print errors
• Print to PDF instead of paper for archiving receipts, transactions etc.
• Change default application settings to print double-sided
• Use electronic notes, to do lists, and reminders instead of post-it notes
• Create a centralised library of documents used regularly for instant access

//// Think! There are many more ways of saving paper around your studio…..

With continuously evolving technology, a completely paperless office is not too far away.

Save paper, invest in technology, and even one day there will be no need for pens…..

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